sewing machine learning in progress….

sewing machine learning in progress….

Well… here we go. I have forever wanted to pick up a sewing machine and learn how to sew. At the beginning of my mat leave I wanted to learn to do something like this. I just never found the time to grab the machine and start teaching myself to do it. FINALLY something pushed me to do it. Thank you EDTC300! I have decided to pick sewing because I feel like it is a life long skill that I am going to be able to take advantage of, ie sewing zippers or kids clothes, hemming pants or creating my own designs. I cannot wait to see how much I progress in this. I have an end goal of reaching something like these sweaters. I think that they are so pretty and such a beautiful project. But I know that it is going to take me longer than this class to get to this point, but I am going to work towards this in my life. For the

class I plan to learn the ropes of the sewing machine and do basic stuff like… maybe hemming pants or stitching two pieces of material together. This is all completely new to me. So I am excited to learn.

Anyways, my plan of action.

week 1- Learn how to turn the sewing machine on, plus all of the functions. Learn how to thread the needle. Learn what this sewing machine is capable of.

Watercolor hand painted sewing collection- sewing machine, ribbons, needle, thread, scissors in vintage\retro stile. Set of sewing elements. Big collection watercolor sewing elements.

Week 2-4– learning to sew materials together. Different patterns, Different materials, different lines… I am not even sure where to begin here. But I know that I will start to see where to go and what is more important to focus on.

Week 5-8– learning to sew different techniques and different materials. Learn to hem clothing. Maybe trying to build a small quilt? I am not sure. I think just learn to play around with it. I could essentially try to embroider, but that is kind of something I am working towards rather than doing it in this project. I just want to learn the ropes of the sewing world… But this might change as I get going and learning new things. I may be better or worse in certain areas. All a new learning curve for me.

Does anyone have any tips on materials that are really easy to sew with? Or does anyone have something that they have sewn before that they thought was SO easy! I appreciate any tips 🙂


2 thoughts on “sewing machine learning in progress….

  1. Hi Kyla! I loved reading this post because sewing is one of my favourite hobbies! I picked it up a few years ago and have never looked back, its such a great way to relax (and save money on clothes). I like the way you outlined your goals for the semester but also set a personal goal to go beyond this project. Your commitment to continue your project past this class makes me want to do the same. I am looking forward to following your progress throughout the semester! Best of Luck!

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