Summary Of Learning
Here is the link to my Summary of learning Presentation
Here is the link to my Summary of learning Presentation
One thing that I really enjoyed about this class is that we got to see into the world of others learning. The learning project opened a door for us to 1. Learn a new skill via the internet 2. Watch others do the same. I liked watching where people started their journey and where they ended their journey. I believed that throughout this process I was able to comment 3-5 comments a week. I loved going to check out where…
I chose the AI tool Duolingo. I chose this tool because recently in our school we have had many immigrant students join us. They are very limited in speaking English. This was a huge struggle for them… and honeslty the teachers too. We had one teacher that spoke Spanish. Which was great for those families… but we had numerous other families that spoke other languages as well. Also, it wasn’t that teachers job to help all of the other classrooms….
As I think about last class I focus alot on the question Katia asked regarding “Should we fire someone because of something they did on the internet in the past”. I feel like I voiced my strong opinion on this… but I think that one: it depends the situation, two: I don’t think that something you did in the past should always affect your future. Unless you went to jail for it… then that offence was obviously a bit more…
I chose to do “Code Monkey”! What a fun little code game. I attached a video of my experience. I want to note that I didn’t do any work on the “Code Monkey” before I started recording. I wanted to get a raw recording of me trying it for the first time. All I did was get super frustrated that when I typed in ____ amount of steps the monkey would hardly move. Like 20 steps and the Monkey moved…
When we think of digital literacy we have to acknowledge that what we are seeing online isn’t always true. So that means as teachers we have to know that what we see online isn’t always true… and we have to teach that. YES 1000% harder said then done. The people creating this fake news is getting incredibly good at it. I found during last class when we had to guess “real or fake” I struggled…. I was more often than…
Oh wow. What a great question. “How do I plan to approach digital citizenship in my future classroom?”… Here is the thing. I want to understand my own digital citizenship first. I truly struggle in this area, I grew up with technology, so I don’t have a great understanding of digital citizenship.. more of an understanding of the apps themselves. I watched ‘The Social Dilema’ that Dr. H recommended us to watch. It really opened my eyes to how much…
When I was growing up, so was the internet. I remember using dial up at the farm. (who else has the dial tone engraved in their brain?) I remember MSS messenger. I remember facebook starting. I remember the old snapchat. I remember Instragram starting. I grew up when cellphones were starting to show up at school. I remember I got facebook and other apps but hid it from my parents because I was worried they would make me stop going…
Participation… man it is always a tough conversation around the staff room, the question of “But how are we going to get the kids to participate?” That is always the main goal, isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be so much easier if they just always… wanted to? Ugh but noooo, the older kids don’t want to stand out from others and the younger kids are SO eagar it is sometimes too much excitment and disorganization. That is participation in a nutshell…
Okay- So I was super excited about this blog post this week as I am always looking for new tools to use in the classroom that are going to support student learning + how they can express their learning. I have personally always wanted to learn how to make podcasts and incorporate podcasts as an assignment tool. So what better time than now to look into it. I did some digging around the internet for some different podcast making tools–…