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Category: Learning Project

Threads to Keepsakes: My Sewing Tale and Reflections

Threads to Keepsakes: My Sewing Tale and Reflections

Sewing 101: Well, my sewing journey was a success. It was wild, Difficult, Frustrating, Enjoyable, Mindless, Rewarding and timeless. I found that this was one of the coolest things I have ever been able to do for myself. I have this class to thank for that. This whole process went from me stepping into the world of sewing not having a single clue what I was doing. I started by setting up the machine. Sewing various materials together. Fixing torn…

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Sewing a Fathers Day Gift

Sewing a Fathers Day Gift

When I started this project at the beginning of the semester my end goal was going to be something similar to this sweater. I have always wanted to be able to create something sentimental and I finally had the chance to do so. Before starting the fathers day gift for my fiance I wanted to do a practice run on a sweater… and thank goodness I did. Wow. Here is a picture presentation on my gift idea trial run. I…

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So You think you can Sew?

So You think you can Sew?

This week was an interesting week for my learning project. I jumped from playing around with materials to actually creating things. This week I worked on making pot holders. It was WAY harder than I thought it was going to be… welcome to my adventure. Here is a video of my experience   So I started by getting my materials together. I measured and cut different materials. (I just used old dresses and clothes that either don’t fit me anymore…

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In a Jam…

In a Jam…

I started this week by trying to figure out WHAT WAS WRONG WITH MY SEWING MACHINE. It kept sewing for like 10 seconds then it would jam. So I began to search the internet for things that could help me fix my machine. In my last post I talked about all the ways that I had to trouble shoot my machine. But I came across that my needle was bent or dull. I needed to change it. I found this…

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Tackling the Tangled Threads

Tackling the Tangled Threads

I actually thought I had this sewing thing figured out, I really did. I was playing with materials by fixing up some different clothing items. I had these dress pants that had a hole in them forever but I never put time in to fix them. So here was the perfect oppurtunity to do so!   I fixed these pants no problem. Then I grabbed a pair of my partners work pants that I needed to fix. They were a…

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And sew it begins

And sew it begins

Here is a fun video I made of my first time trying out the sewing machine. So, I started off this journey having NOT A SINGLE CLUE how to use this machine. I told my coworker that I borrowed this machine from that she doesn’t need to set any of it up for me, that I am going to teach myself how to do that along with teaching myself to sew. So that is exactly what I did. I started…

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sewing machine learning in progress….

sewing machine learning in progress….

Well… here we go. I have forever wanted to pick up a sewing machine and learn how to sew. At the beginning of my mat leave I wanted to learn to do something like this. I just never found the time to grab the machine and start teaching myself to do it. FINALLY something pushed me to do it. Thank you EDTC300! I have decided to pick sewing because I feel like it is a life long skill that I…

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