Navigating Safety in the Digital World

Navigating Safety in the Digital World

When I was growing up, so was the internet. I remember using dial up at the farm. (who else has the dial tone engraved in their brain?) I remember MSS messenger. I remember facebook starting. I remember the old snapchat. I remember Instragram starting. I grew up when cellphones were starting to show up at school. I remember I got facebook and other apps but hid it from my parents because I was worried they would make me stop going…

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In a Jam…

In a Jam…

I started this week by trying to figure out WHAT WAS WRONG WITH MY SEWING MACHINE. It kept sewing for like 10 seconds then it would jam. So I began to search the internet for things that could help me fix my machine. In my last post I talked about all the ways that I had to trouble shoot my machine. But I came across that my needle was bent or dull. I needed to change it. I found this…

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From Chalkboards to TikToks

From Chalkboards to TikToks

Participation… man it is always a tough conversation around the staff room, the question of “But how are we going to get the kids to participate?” That is always the main goal, isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be so much easier if they just always… wanted to? Ugh but noooo, the older kids don’t want to stand out from others and the younger kids are SO eagar it is sometimes too much excitment and disorganization. That is participation in a nutshell…

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Tackling the Tangled Threads

Tackling the Tangled Threads

I actually thought I had this sewing thing figured out, I really did. I was playing with materials by fixing up some different clothing items. I had these dress pants that had a hole in them forever but I never put time in to fix them. So here was the perfect oppurtunity to do so!   I fixed these pants no problem. Then I grabbed a pair of my partners work pants that I needed to fix. They were a…

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Sound Trap your next assignments

Sound Trap your next assignments

Okay- So I was super excited about this blog post this week as I am always looking for new tools to use in the classroom that are going to support student learning + how they can express their learning. I have personally always wanted to learn how to make podcasts and incorporate podcasts as an assignment tool. So what better time than now to look into it. I did some digging around the internet for some different podcast making tools–…

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And sew it begins

And sew it begins

Here is a fun video I made of my first time trying out the sewing machine. So, I started off this journey having NOT A SINGLE CLUE how to use this machine. I told my coworker that I borrowed this machine from that she doesn’t need to set any of it up for me, that I am going to teach myself how to do that along with teaching myself to sew. So that is exactly what I did. I started…

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When did screen time become a full time job?

When did screen time become a full time job?

In todays era, it is almost impossible to not be using technology. In our house hold we try not to use it too often. But of course I need my laptop for school and we love to watch TV.  I usually find myself using google/ google docs, instagram, facebook, messagener, pinterest, my kindle and snapchat. I find that some apps are towards my education and learning. I can find educational books on my kindle OR google is where I do…

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sewing machine learning in progress….

sewing machine learning in progress….

Well… here we go. I have forever wanted to pick up a sewing machine and learn how to sew. At the beginning of my mat leave I wanted to learn to do something like this. I just never found the time to grab the machine and start teaching myself to do it. FINALLY something pushed me to do it. Thank you EDTC300! I have decided to pick sewing because I feel like it is a life long skill that I…

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Little ol’ me

Little ol’ me

Little bit about myself… well I am a lot of things. But one of my favorite titles is Miss.White. (right behind mom). I have been a teacher for 4 years, and I have honestly taught everything from Pre-k to grade 10 along with student services roles. I love being a teacher. It is my chance to support little humans to become who they are truly made out to be. I am a mom of one lovely little girl named Emersyn…

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