Learning the ABCs for ASL was a little difficult for my brain and fingers to move in ways they have not before. I have never had to think of using my hands and gestures for communication. It took my brain a couple attempts to move the way I wanted them to. I had 0 experience when it came to ASL. I tried using Signschool for my ABCs but I did not enjoy the interface of the app as much as I had hoped for the ABCs. A lot of the future learning I will need to know was blocked by paywalls and I am unsure of how much I want to spend learning ASL at the moment. I will attempt to useĀ Signschool again when I try to do gestures and other words. Instead, for now, I turned to YouTube after my failed attempt on Signschool.
I went to the Learn How to Sign YouTube page to start learning my ABCs.
I found the video very insightful and that I was actually learning. I was practicing my ABC’s daily for about 15-20 minutes a day. When I felt more comfortable with my ABCs I went to a different ABC video, that the ABCs song to do my ABCs faster and throw in a couple other signs for extra practice. I used the below video to help me.
Overall, I think this first step was an overall success into my ABC’s and my next step will be to learn basic words and gestures. Wish me luck in my next week of learning. I will video document my next progress to show how far I have come, as right now my signing is not smooth and not video ready.