Learning the ABCs for ASL was a little difficult for my brain and fingers to move in ways they have not before. I have never had to think of using my hands and gestures for communication. It took my brain a couple attempts to move the way I wanted them to. I had 0 experience when it came to ASL. I tried using Signschool for my ABCs but I did not enjoy the interface of the app as much as I had hoped for the ABCs. A lot of the future learning I will need to know was blocked by paywalls and I am unsure of how much I want…
Beginning my Learning Journey
For my learning project, I have decided to do American Sign Language (ASL). I have no experience in ASL and I do not know any signs. My baseline is at the very bottom. I decided to pick ASL for my learning project because I believe it is important in society to be more inclusive to those who cannot hear. Learning ASL would be beneficial to me to be able to connect with those who cannot hear or are hard of hearing. As a future educator, it will be important to communicate with students with simple signs to assist a student in a vast majority of ways or help them communicate…