About Me: My name is Andrew MacPhail and I am an education student at the University of Regina. Although it seems like an interesting mixture I’m taking secondary education. I am following my passion for history as a major. This has always been a topic which astonished me and I really enjoy, perhaps from all my father’s stories. Since secondary education requires both a major and a minor; inclusive education is my minor. I selected this field of study at the end of my first year. From a young age, my education is something I care very much about, starting at Marion McVeety elementary school and going from Pre-K to grade 8. I am a proud Campbell tartan spending Grades 9 through 12 with friends and family.

In these years I learned much about myself and the joys of education. In my last years at Campbell Collegiate, I made a choice to serve, honor, and preserve knowledge. I received honors throughout my senior years in high school. Outside of school, I have spent time with swimming, track and field, and my martial arts. I’m planning to reach my black belt and attend National Championships. When it comes to Community service I have spent time volunteering at my Church with bible camps and kids club. I enjoyed working with kids at the time but my interest was more focused on the high school level. You can add a layer of detail to lessons your teaching and may have a more enthusiastic class that can apply knowledge to more in-depth answers. Another passion that drives(I use this word for good reason) me is cars and the automotive industry. As soon I met my Auto teacher we became friends. We wasted the hours away at lunch talking about old cars he enjoyed. It was this friendship towards students that gave this idea of being an auto mechanics teacher. Although history was another subject I was comfortable in and ultimately decided to go with, my auto teacher helped awaken this belief. Without him, my education story would be very different.
I love meeting new people and thanks to school and education pretty much all my friends I have met are from school or university. I often wonder where we will all be in 10 years’ time. No matter how much people change we will always have memories together. Memories are something that are very important to me and I know through my education path I will make more every year.