This is most likely not going to be a very long post, however, I did learn a new skill when it comes to Stop Motion! This week I learned how to replicate a walk cycle of a LEGO mini figure. It was a pretty basic skill to learn but it is also essential to making a short film using the LEGO figures. Below is the walk cycle illustrated in one frame.

LEGO walking sequence
I did make a little video as well with some waving action from the mini figure. ThisĀ Storm Trooper walking video will probably be the last video that I post before I start working on the final project for this assignment. I feel like I have made a lot of progress along the way and I’m excited for my final product and what I’ll be able to produce!
Thanks for tuning into my quite short progress post!
Hey Marcus! I love the video! It is amazing what technology can do! I am glad that you feel as though you have made a lot of progress along the way. I can’t wait to see your final project!