During my third visit to the school, I got the opportunity to interact more with many of the kindergarten students. I feel I began to get a more familiar feeling around them and in the classroom. A lot of the students are really friendly and confident around me and my partner. They are already surprising us with little notes and drawings they make for us. The classroom has a diverse set of students in terms of personality and skills. While some students seem to be  really outgoing, others remain quiet in the classroom. I could observe how they all have different strengths and weaknesses. While some students show a better academic development in the classroom, others show better abilities in physical education class. Likewise, some students prefer to play alone in their break (“centre times”), and others prefer to play with their classmates and share. On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to interact more with them and know more about their personalities. These kindergarten students have a variety of different backgrounds, as I said in my previous blog post, this is a widely diverse class. There are a lot of students that come from Asia, there are some other canadian and  indigenous students, one middle eastern child and one from Africa. Regardless of their different personalities, backgrounds and ways of learning, I feel like they all have something  to contribute to our future in their own and unique way. 

Another thing I would like to share is that one little girl of the class would leave whatever she was doing to come give me a hug and say “I love you” multiple times on Tuesday. These type of actions put a smile on my face and made me feel appreciated. I am really excited to see the students and learn more about them next week.