Teaching Like Myself Is:

Building strong and positive relationships with my students.
Getting to know my students: who they are, where they come from, their beliefs, their interests, their strengths, their families and their communities. 
Creating inclusive and welcoming spaces for all my students.
Ensuring all my students feel safe, comfortable and find connections with aspects of their lives in my classroom. 
Cultivating an experiential learning atmosphere that has a holistic approach which engage the head, hands and heart of the students.
Empowering students to make decisions for themselves so that they develop self-confidence and critical thinking skills.
Designing student-centered learning environments that value creativity and exploration

My “I Believe” Statements

❃ I believe education is providing every student with the right opportunities to success.  

❃ I believe learning is a different process for each individual student and that can be experienced in different ways.

❃ I believe teachers can have a big impact in every student lifetime, shaping their mental and moral qualities. 

❃ I believe students should all be treated equally, with respect and dignity. 

❃ I believe teachers can start making a more inclusive society starting from the classroom.

❃ I believe the classroom is a living community and that everyone, from the teacher to the students and to the parents, must contribute in order to maintain a positive atmosphere.

My Career Aspirations

✿ I aspire to be a life long learner and a risk taker.

✿ I aspire to be a teacher who teaches beyond a book and curricular outcomes. 

✿ I aspire to be an ally, a support, a friend, an advocate, a role model, and a mentor. 

✿ I aspire to be a teacher who provides a classroom environment where expectations are high, but where failing and making mistakes is okay.