Multiple Intelligences Quiz ?

The Theory of Mulitple Intelligence explains how people learn and carry a variety of intelligence that they use in their day-to-day life. I had the opportunity to complete this quiz which was very eye-opening, more specifically when I saw it on a graph. I have always been very aware that I am a kinesthetic learner and use verbal skills very regularly in my day-to-day life. I actively seek activities that are of a linguistic nature! However, it was interesting to see how I scored on some of the sections. In the following, I will offer an explanation of my two highest scores and one that surprised me.

I scored 32 on the verbal/linguistic portion. This does not surprise me one bit, in fact despite my dislike of the subject English (the proper grammar part) I do enjoy exploring the English language and different words that I can use to describe something. This interest in language has fueled an interest in reading and writing as a pastime.

32 was also the score for the body/kinesthetic portion. Though not an extremely sports-driven person, I do enjoy moving and find it difficult to sit still. I notice when I teach, I find it nearly impossible to remain static, whether it be holding and dropping a whiteboard marker or moving around the classroom. It is rewarding to see our society being much more accepting that not everyone is able to remain seated or have “quiet hands” while they work. In recent years, I have seen a lot more accommodation such as wobbly chairs, rocking chairs, nondisruptive fidgets, and movement breaks. Looking back, this would have been something I feel I would have enjoyed as a student. Another thing is learning by touch. I will admit, I am that person that needs to touch everything at a store to process new information.

One that surprised me was my score in logical and mathematical. I scored 26 on this section. The reason this surprised me is my dislike for math, like my literal hatred of math. When I first read the title I thought, “I am going to have a very low score on this”. It is low compared to my other scores but what surprised me is the section was much more logical and organizational skills. I do not always practice organization but it does help me in many areas of my life. The only two areas I scored a one or no, the statement is not at all like me area was in I enjoy math and using numbers and I enjoy playing brain teasers and logic puzzles. This was really the only area in the section that referred to the topic of math.

You can find the complete chart below to get a snap shot of my outcome.

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