Student Seminar #6: Systemic Racism

Racism can be a difficult subject to discuss, but it is an important one. As educators, we have an important and powerful role in helping shape the minds of the future generations. When it comes to educating individuals on racism,…

Student Seminar #1 – Land Acknowledgements

“I would like to begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather is Treaty 6 territory, the traditional territory of Cree Peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.” A memorized script, an empty acknowledgement that I’ve heard…

Treaty as Spiritual Covenant (Pipe Ceremonies)

I believe I was in my senior year of high school when I first heard the term treaty, but it wasn’t until my first year at the University of Regina that I learned what the term treaty meant. Through my…

Miskâsowin and Treaty Relationships

In this blog post, we were asked to do an environmental scan of the identities of the Indigenous peoples’ from the area we grew up in in Canada.  We were also asked to diagram the characteristics and juxtapose them to…

Recognizing Origin Stories

Miskâsowin – Finding one’s sense of origin and belonging, finding one’s self, or finding one’s center. To me, the process of Miskâsowin means figuring out who you are, where you come from, where your ancestors come from, or even where you…

Final Project

EFDN 306 Video For my final project, I created a stop-motion video that highlights some of the positive moments and movements of LGBTQ+ rights in Canada. After displaying these rights, I transitioned into questioning why people of the LGBTQ+ community…


Meta-Reflection Video Script: When I registered for this class, I imagined it to be a class in which they taught us how to teach about the environment in a school setting. Since I didn’t have environmental science in high school,…

CJ #4: Decolonizing Encounters

The Indigenous peoples are well-known for their love of nature and relationships with it, which is why I believe it should play a huge role in environmental education classes. Instead, people tend to separate socio-cultural and environmental education, thinking they…

CJ #3: The Canoe Pedagogy

Liz Newberry’s article Canoe Pedagogy and Colonial History: Exploring Contested Spaces of Outdoor Environmental Education mentions that the Euro-westernized way of teaching focuses more on the details of the fur trade and the daily lives of voyageurs during colonialism. Although these are…