This Week:
I started to learn the ukrainian alphabet!
I found a super helpful video to watch this week on YouTube called How To Read The Ukrainian Alphabet by Speak Ukrainian. For each letter it would show a picture of it and how to pronounce it. This video was super well done and overall very helpful. It was long and took time to pronounce each letter slowly and clearly while adding examples of a ukrainian word it was used in as well as a comparison to an english word.

I focused on the first half of the alphabet and learned 17 out of 33 letters. This was very difficult as some letters will look the same as english letters but are actually very different.Learning to pronounce the letters was one thing but remembering them was another challenge. I printed a page that had a picture of the letter, with the pronunciation underneath. It is not a great sheet to learn from but works well to help remember. To help me remember I am just referncing the page multiple times a day and saying the alphabet out loud. I only learned half this week so I can really try and focus on the first 17 letters.
Upcoming Weeks:
Next week I am going to finish learning the rest of the alphabet and will hope to be ready enough to share a video with you guys of my progress!