Embarking on a learning journey is akin to setting sail on a voyage of self-discovery. In my latest video, I delve into the depths of knowledge acquired, the challenges overcome, and the triumphs celebrated throughout this ECI 834 educational expedition, from mastering new skills to unravelling the critical features of blended learning.
Each lesson learned has been a stepping stone towards personal growth and development. Join me as I reflect on the insights gained, the skills honed, and the transformative power of lifelong learning. Together, let us embrace the joy of discovery and embark on a quest for knowledge that knows no bounds.
Special shout out to Lauren Bradshaw!
Thank you, Katia and my coursemates.
Aww, thank you for the shout-out! It’s so great to see how your course development has progressed over the semester. It’s a topic near and dear to me, as I work with so many international students who struggle with language and culture adaptation. The EAHR 810 course sounds really interesting, and useful – I may need to check this out in the future. And I agree that the H5P is great for adult learners, and will help them feel included and engaged with the course. Your summary video was really well done, thank you for sharing.
Thanks, Lauren.
Hello Olajide, I was looking forward to your Summary of Learning, not only because we both teach adult learners, but I really appreciated the feedback you provided on my course profile. I really enjoyed your summary, the style of video was so engaging and the music set such a relaxing tone. Congratulations on a wonderful job well done. Good luck in your future!