Reflective Article: Embracing Feedback for Better Outcomes

It was a gratifying pleasure to receive thorough and insightful comments on the first orientation lesson on Canadian cultural norms and values. The insightful feedback has given me a clear route forward for improving the instructional strategy, especially as I…

Enhancing Learning and Teaching through Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the orientation programme for recent immigrants offers a great chance to transform the educational experience, particularly when combined with a hybrid learning approach. This article uses the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation,…

Building Community and Cooperation: Improving Regina’s Immigrant Orientation Workshops

Creating a welcoming learning atmosphere that encourages community involvement and cooperation is crucial when planning orientation programmes for new arrivals to Regina. Various student-teacher and student-student interactions can enhance the educational process and encourage cultural assimilation. Let’s examine the criteria…

Designing an Effective Orientation Workshop for New Immigrants with ADDIE Model

  Setting out to create a newbie orientation programme is a rewarding but difficult undertaking. Helping immigrants settle into a new town, like Regina, or employees adjust to a new work culture are two examples of processes that need to…