A Day in the Life of a Technology-inclined Instructor


Morning Routine

My day begins early with a cup of tea (occasionally with a sandwich) and a brief check of emails and messages. I use Microsoft Outlook to manage my emails and stay up to speed on crucial communications from colleagues, students, and parents. I also check my calendar for the day’s itinerary and sync it with Google Calendar to ensure that all appointments and deadlines are on track…but some schedules are better written on a neon sticky note!

An effective teaching day requires thorough preparation. I use our school’s Learning Management System (LMS), which is built on Moodle, to post assignments, announcements, and resources for my students. This platform is a key component of my teaching, facilitating communication and ensuring all students access relevant information. Canva allows me to create engaging visuals and presentations, making complex topics more accessible and interesting.

Virtual Interactive Learning

My classes are taught both in person and through Microsoft Teams. I enjoy Teams’ breakout room feature, which allows me to divide students into smaller groups for conversations and collaboration. I frequently share my screen to display slides prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint or to navigate interactive simulations and films.

I use a variety of interactive techniques to engage my pupils. Kahoot! is a popular quiz and gaming platform that makes learning entertaining and competitive. Padlet is another tool I use to create collaborative boards where students can post their ideas, questions, and reactions to prompts, encouraging engagement from even the most hesitant pupils. Communication with pupils goes beyond the classroom. While I use push notifications to send out fast updates, reminders, and words of encouragement, ensuring that all kids get the same information in real time, it is sometimes necessary to call learners for a quick chat.

Grading assignments and providing feedback is a substantial portion of my day. I use the LMS’s auto-grade tool and provide comments as appropriate. Students can obtain their grades in Google Sheets format, and they are also reminded of necessary assignments.

Professional Development and Collaboration

Keeping up with the latest educational technology and instructional practices is critical. I participate in webinars and online courses provided by sites such as Coursera and EdX. These resources enable me to advance professionally and incorporate new ideas and approaches into my teaching practice. In addition, the HR department also posts necessary PD courses as well. Microsoft Teams facilitates collaboration among instructors and staff members. This platform enables seamless communication, file sharing, and collaborative planning. We routinely arrange virtual meetings to discuss curriculum development, student progress, and resource sharing.

At the end of the day, I reflect on what worked well and what could be better. Before I go to bed, I ensure that all of my digital tools are synced and backed up in preparation for the following day. Technology has transformed how I educate and engage with my pupils. The technologies I use daily improve learning, facilitate communication, and expedite administrative work. By remaining connected and utilising this technology, I can deliver a more interesting and helpful learning environment for my pupils.

Posted by Olajide Abijo

Welcome to my blog!

I'm Olajide Abijo, and my educational background includes a degree in Linguistics (B.A.) and a master's in Educational Leadership. Currently enrolled in the Adult Education and Human Resources Development program (MEd), I bring a wealth of teaching experience across diverse cultures and age groups, ranging from kindergarten to 80-year-olds 😊.

My focus lies in exploring the effective application of online and blended learning in adult education, particularly within work contexts. Having lived and taught in Nigeria, the United Arab Emirates, and Japan, my experiences in different contexts have greatly influenced my perspectives and interactions with learners and local communities.

While my interest in teaching waned due to unnecessary systematic pressures, I aim to leverage my knowledge, experience, and skills within the industry. Although I harbor an interest in postgraduate teaching opportunities, I am not inclined towards writing publications at this time, but NEVER say NEVER!

8 thoughts on “A Day in the Life of a Technology-inclined Instructor”

  1. Hello, Olajide!
    That was a quite interesting read about your tech-filled day. I giggled when I read about how you combine Google Calendar with those neon sticky notes in bright colors—sort of old-fashioned but very, very useful, aren’t they? I also use them a lot too. Using Moodle, Canva, and Teams for work is really a good way, as it all stays organized with the different threads of conversation that can get confusing via email; it’s just interesting! I love Kahoot! and Padlet too; they get the class so excited and involved! Your enthusiasm to learn new things, to keep updated—very commendable.
    Thanks for sharing this little bit about what is going on with you today. You’ve surely given me some ideas to make my own day more exciting. Just kidding!
    Good, keep it up!

  2. Hi Olajide,
    It was interesting to read how effectively you leverage technology every day. Contrary to you, I never make sure that my “digital tools are synced and backed up in preparation for the following day.” We are very dependent on technology, and ensuring that all the platforms are synced and backed up is crucial. This is an eye-opener and a good lesson for me. Thank you!

    1. Hello Ilda…I just described a perfect day. Most days are far from perfect but we strive for best practices and routines.

  3. Hi Olajide,
    You interestingly explain your day. You have a well-organized and tech-savvy approach to teaching, effectively integrating various tools to enhance student engagement and streamline administrative tasks. Your use of interactive platforms like Kahoot! and Padlet fosters active learning and participation. Additionally, your commitment to professional development ensures continuous improvement in your teaching methods.

  4. Thank you for sharing this insightful post, Olajide! Your detailed description of a technology-driven day provides a clear picture of how digital tools can enhance teaching and administrative tasks. The use of various platforms like Moodle, Microsoft Teams, Kahoot, and Padlet demonstrates a comprehensive approach to engaging students and managing your workflow. Your commitment to professional development through webinars and online courses is commendable. How do you think educators can best balance the use of technology with maintaining traditional teaching methods to ensure a well-rounded educational experience?

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