Pre-Braille Practice

Hello Friends, I am excited to share my journey in learning braille. I love typing and i am wandering if its going to be as easy as just the normal typing. Lets dive into this learning project together and I am sure its going to be a fun experience. What is Braille ? Braille is…

Technology and Me

  Technology plays a significant role in education. Instructors have access to crucial data that they can share with their pupils. Online resources are available to students for any type of information they need, including solutions to their study problems. Students can read any book, learn any subject, and find the right resources and study…


My name is Ola, and I am new to blogging. I am a mother and aunt to so many nieces and nephews. I am the firstborn and I have four siblings. I should have been blogging since 2009 when I was unemployed, I was talking to my brother that I was bored in Malaysia, and…

Learning Braille in a fun way

I will be learning Braille this spring/Summer because as a future inclusive educator, it is important to learn how to read and write Braille. For some time now, I have been thinking of learning Braille and procrastinating it and when the opportunity came to blog a learning project in my EDTC 300 class I knew…