Poor Planning leads to Poor Execution

Further posts will include more Ringette related material, Right now I am thinking about how I will be making my backyard rink. Currently there is still a garden that is being harvested, but that won’t stop me from using a tape measure. I want my Rink to be 20 feet wide, by 30 feet long. As we can see from the picture there is some yardwork that needs to be done prior to the building of the rink. There are many methods, The Walter Gretzky Method was to simply just use a sprinkler until an icerink formed and then something a little more planned as noted from this blog, https://rogueengineer.com/how-to-build-a-backyard-ice-rink/ will be used. There will be some materials that need to be gathered. but the measuring portion is complete and the cleanup is underway. As mentioned in the Title, Poor planning leads to poor execution!


If I fix my gate, does that make me secretary of Defence?

For my learning project, I would like to explore the sport of Ringette. This includes learning about the rules, how the sport differs from hockey, and the skills required to play the game, particularly those I will need to develop. Another aspect I want to focus on is finding a place to play and practice, which could include setting up a backyard ice surface.

While I wouldn’t say that Ringette is a sport that greatly interests me personally, it is very important to my partner and her family. In life, sometimes it’s necessary to take an interest in things that may not be appealing at first, not as a chore, but as a way of supporting and connecting with others. I also have a 4 year old who may get into the sport, but wants to learn to skate and what better way then to have your own backyard ice rink.