Summary of Learning

This summer session has flown by and I am grateful to have been able to take this class with all of you. I enjoyed learning more about contemporary ed-tech issues and seeing both sides of the arguments. Everyone did an excellent job preparing and sharing their information to justify...
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Debate #5: Technology has led to a more equitable society

I thoroughly enjoyed watching the documentary “Without A Net” the other night and I have included some quotes from the video that I hold closely. “Instead of a wife swap, we need a school swap… everyone needs to get a feel of what we actually go through.” Isn’t this...
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Debate #4: Cell Phones Should be Banned in Classrooms

Agree side   Bithy, Chloe and I had the privilege to debate why cell phones should be banned in schools today. Thank you to all our classmates for chiming in on the group chat and sharing their thoughts and reasonings why cell phones should/should not be banned. It was...
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Debate #2: Social Media is Ruining Childhood

This topic is so interesting to me. I often wonder if I am on my phone too much and if social media is something I should continue… I love connecting with family and friends and sharing information about fundraiser events that I organize to help spread the word. Social...
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Debate #1: Technology in the Classroom Enhances Learning

I am a teacher that LOVES using technology in the classroom to increase engagement and keep up with the trends. I will often create interactive games online (Jeopardy and Escape Rooms) for math review days. Group 1 did an excellent job stating benefits that technology serves in the education...
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A Day in the Life with Technology

Technology continues to play a major role in my life.  As a high school math teacher, I rely on computers to store my lesson plans, videos, and worksheets. Technology continues to evolve and there are more apps available to assist students and teachers in their education journeys. Similar to...
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Hello world!

Welcome to Education Sites. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!...
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