In the first discussion, presenters from both side provided insightful and well founded information on their respective sides of the topic and I think that that technology provide a lot of information and it is assisting in making feasible or elevating in classrooms and schools all around the world. Moreover, in public and private school, teachers and students are more likely to use technological gadgets because it makes teaching and learning more effective. During the debate Megan and Brittney rightly said that technology provide up to date and more relevant information and method of teaching and learning is more interesting than traditional methods of teaching. They can easily do research on the topic and easily learn how to use various application to create any material. In this way children can learn at their own pace and they are more likely to engaged and get out of learning experience if they access tools and platforms they are familiar with. There are so many games such as prodigy math game, Pictionary, online bingo .These types of games help students to keep engaged with studies. When students are involved, they are more likely to enjoy the experience and remember the content being taught.

Megan and Brittney also include the point that technology increases the interaction between the people we can talk with their parents, friends and other family members. They can engage with each other via social media websites such as Instagram, Facebook, Snap chat. Many people are introvert and social media websites is the best way to develop the confidence to speak up in front of others. With the help of technology students can access up to date information without any cost.

Most of books are very expensive and some students are unable to afford expensive books and outdated but they can easily download different types of books from various websites. Moreover use of technology makes teaching more attractive because students can use audio and visual aids in teaching and learning. Most of studies suggest that students can retain their knowledge for long time when they use various technological gadgets in classroom. Many kids are like to play online video games. Digital games can help students with disabilities or special need learn new content, have more fun while learning, and engage more easily. For example, Classcraft which offers various games and tools to make classroom more engaging and Kahoot where participants answer on their device while competing against classroom.

Students can now learn about culture, history, and geography by conversing with students from various nations, thanks to the internet’s immediate communication capabilities. Online engagement between individuals and groups, as well as virtual field trips, is possible using programmes like Skype and Zoom. Some teachers encourage pupils to exhibit their learning through technology. Allowing students to create podcasts and videos allows them to master new skills, express their creativity, and demonstrate their understanding.

For people who work full time and are unable to attend classes in person, online education has proven terrific choice because it allows students to take their leisure course, on their own time and in their own location. When compared to their traditional equivalents, open learning is more effective and more importantly accessible. The extensive tools available in online communities assist pupils in overcoming obstacles. Many students who were unlikely to obtain higher education have flocked to open education.
On the other hand, Nicole R and Daryl also made some excellent point about why technology in classroom does not promote participation
- Texting enables for quick and instantaneous communication, but it reduce direct connections and dependence on technology can often make us alone. Without any interpersonal interactions can even lead to depression. Sometimes children feel distant from humanity when they spend most of time with others online
- Instead of engaging with family and friends, concentrate on digital connections
- Pings and notifications keep students interested on social networking sites, and they distract students from being totally engaged in the present moment
- More use of technology has been linked to serious health issues such as depression, anxiety, obesity, weak eyesight
- Away from the physical environment
- Low academic performance

To summarize, I determined that technology can certainly promote learning in the classroom. I believe that teachers and parents should have proper control on children and they should keep an eye on children so that they do not spend more time on social media. Teachers, for example can use different platforms and software for making teaching learning more effective and educators must stay up with these developments and technology integration in classroom so students can learn more effectively. To reduce pupil distractions on other websites, schools should not allow bringing their own gadgets to school and should provide all gadgets that are essential for study. According to my perspectives, it is a reality that working without technology is practically impossible and it is very important for children to learn to use of technology as soon as possible.
Hi Shivali,
Great reflection on both sides. I totally agree with you that teachers and parents should have proper control over children and they should keep an eye on children so that they do not spend more time on social media. Technology will distract students in the classroom, but it depends on what platform students will use and how they use them. I feel that schools could have better control over their device. Instead of asking them to bring their own device, schools can provide a device that only installs applications and software students will use in the class. They cannot have access to other platforms and download other applications. I believe in this way, teachers don’t have to worry about students getting distracted by other unnecessary applications in the class. However, this might not be applicable in some schools which they don’t have enough funding on purchasing additional technology devices. Overall, I agree with what you said about proper control of children using technology, but what defines as “proper control”? It is another big topic to discuss. Again, great post for your reflection!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic. I too think that technology can enhance learning as long as good teaching practices are in mind. Technology and tools will change, but good teaching will not.
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