Learning Blog #1: Learning to see through Lens: Week 1

OK, It’s 2022, and almost everyone, know has met life has a smartphone with a decent camera. Being from a family of decent financial status it was not until 2016 I got my hand on a camera phone. I would like to believe, that I am able to capture decent pictures by now. Thanks to the modern smartphone cameras, which do most of the heavy lifting.  And big thanks to guys who invented Filters (Instagram, Snapchat). If you want to check out my Instagram feed on Home Page.

But beyond, knowing where to point the camera, and which filters to use;  I have no understanding of how photography works. How come, a photographer is able to capture a “Blissful view”, in a photograph? I have never been able to capture what my eyes see.

Well,  Lets me start add a few of my captures to set a baseline.

loading slideshow...

  • Baby Geese in Saskatoon

  • Birds Resting in Saskatoon

  • Regina-to-Saskatoon around Lumsden

All the picture in above slide show are captured by me on phone.(I will update this slide; as I find my more old picture )

So goal it capture, similar picture with better composition, so they look somewhat like as saw them with my eyes. Also, learn to use DSLR camera to capture such pictures.

I will be posting my journey to learn photography in weekly posts. This one being Blog for Week #0

Looking forward to learn photography and blogging.

WordPress doesn’t allows to upload picture more than 1mb, Hence low quality of picture. As I add next post, I will also figure out how to add better quality photos.

Meanwhile here is list of resources I will going through over next week (I will add/remove more to this list I learn stuff):

Until next time…! 🙂

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