I Believe…

  • Teachers and students learn from each other
  • Teachers should make a connection to their students
  • Students should be taught they have control over there futures
  • Teachers should NEVER belittle a student
  • Teachers should apologize to students when they’ve made a mistake
  • You should accommodate different learning styles
  • Lesssons should be interactive with students
  • The main purpose of education is to develop students’ ability to think critically and integrate ideas, rather than to accumulate facts.
  • Students learn best when actively engaged.
  • Success is best measured in the behavioral changes of students.
  • Meaningful learning occurs when students are allowed to confront real problems, make choices, and find solutions.
  • If prospective teachers are to learn how to help their students learn, they must be immersed in the same learning experiences that their students will encounter.
  • teaching is a messy and non-linear business that is best guided by knowing our students deeply as readers, as writers, and as people.