Sorry to ruin your read this week for my learning post, as I have been crazy busy. I was away for the weekend visiting family for Thanksgiving and keeping up with my studies. That being said, even though I didn’t get any physical “hands on” work completed I did manage to make some minor tweaks to my plan.
For my cross braces I’m going to use 2X4’s instead of the 2X10’s to make it lighter. I also reviewed my general timeline as for how I’d like things to progress, with my sister. I am looking forward to my next update where I can show you all the wood being cut and notched. I need to get all the work done before all the cold or snow flies. Talk to you next time where you will be able to see my plan come into action.

Photo by kristamonique on Pixabay

Photo by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay
Hello Torrin,
Looking at the image of the food you posted, I can imagine that you enjoyed your thanksgiving. Are you the one who did it?. It gives me the saliva on the mouth. Looking forward to read your next post. Thank you