Cybersleuthing: Why it’s important to build a digital identity
This week in our #EDTC300 course we dialled our focus on digital identity. Digital identity is an online identity that is adopted by an individual through what one posts, shares, likes, and so much more. If we want to get into more technical terms, Techopedia describes digital identity as “an online or networked identity adopted…
Subtracting the Gluten-Let’s Get Cooking!
When I found out that a learning project would be incorporated within this course, my mind quickly spun to what type of artsy or crafty project I wanted to attempt. I started to think about whether I wanted to further teach myself more painting and drawing techniques, or if I wanted to learn something new…
Welcome to my ePortfolio!
My name is Tadyn Martinook and I am currently attending the University of Regina within the faculty of Education. Along my journey I will add my discoveries and thoughts with hope to shape myself into a well-rounded educator in the future. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions on this website for improvements…