About me

My name is Valeska Porras. I am currently taking both my eighth and ninth classes this semester for my Master’s in Education degree (Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Program). I am proud to say that I am a French Immersion (Bilingual Honours) graduate from Campbell Collegiate. Since finishing my Baccalauréat en education française at the University of Regina, I have been fortunate enough to teach at École Wilfrid Walker School in Grade 1 and at École Centennial School in Grade 2 for the past nine years. This next school year, I am off to École Wascana Plains School to teach a split class – Grades 2 and 3. I also have experience tutoring in French for the Institut français and working in the Language Labs at the University of Regina.

I was born and raised here in Regina, Saskatchewan. My parents are from Chile and Peru in South America. I am trilingual and can speak English, French, and Spanish. Whenever I am not working, you can find me with my family. My free time is spent with my beautiful daughter Izabella. Izabella will be in Grade 12 at Campbell Collegiate this upcoming school year. We love taking our two dogs – Paco and Suka – to the park for walks and heading to Indigo on the weekends.



Some of my favorite things are:
Subject: French
Author: Isabel Allende
Book: The One and Only Ivan
Sport: Soccer
Drink: Iced Coffee with Almond milk
Season: Summer
Animal: Owls

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