
Conversational AI: Friend or Foe?

My initial reaction to ChatGPT and other forms of conversational AI is one of sheer amazement. It has been one of those things that since we began discussing it, I have literally noticed it everywhere. The various and extensive abilities it already has are impressive. Though impressive, comments and perspectives around the web are heavily present with looming thoughts of “will it eventually replace me or my job?” or “How can it do that so realistically and efficiently?” or “Why do the images it produces look so demonic?…”


Here are a few of the things I have spotted recently…

It can:

Write a children’s book:


Pass a medical license and MBA exam:


Generate images of people (that have never existed) at a party (that never happened):


Compose a song:


Compose music “in the style of” a number of specific artists,




or The Beatles:



All of this is simultaneously remarkable and a bit terrifying. I am interested in watching its capacities in various fields, and specifically in education evolve even more, however cautiously so. I am undecided if the end result will be more so beneficial or detrimental to learning but for now, all we can do is embrace it and not view it as the enemy…yes…we should absolutely stay on its “good side.”


  • Michael Silvius

    Definitely agree with your post, Amanda!
    All of this new info feels cumbersome and convoluted. Staying on its “good side” makes a ton of sense, as we probably have no choice but to embrace it moving forward!

    Hopefully we can still teach forever while technology rolls over us!!!

  • Bart Mihalicz

    In a profession where the value of relationships has been stressed more and more recently, it is so ironic that we have to stay on the “good side” of AI! The list you compiled is one of those things that when I read it, I wonder if I have travelled the right path for my own career interests. Maybe I should ask ChatGPT for some insight!

  • Hanieh Majd

    Thank you Amanda for sharing such amazing and useful websites. I always make up songs or lullabies for my little daughter; but the link for composing songs made a tired mom, supposed to think deeply for a song, more relieved. 😉

    • Amanda Stecyk

      Thank YOU, Hanieh for the brilliant idea of using the song composition link to create a lullaby for your daughter! I am going to use that idea and have it create one for my daughter. I love this idea. -Amanda

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