More Able Lingo ASL – Post #6

More Able Lingo ASL – Post #6

This post will continue to be my learning from Michael with the ILU sign as a logo… the one who laughs like Blippi. It’s unfortunate that I am enjoying these videos because his laugh is just too much for me sometimes, and he and I both share that we think our own jokes are hilarious as this makes him giggle quite often… so I’m sat here trying to learn new signs and vocabulary while constantly being annoyed but also engaged…

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ASL ILU – Post #5

ASL ILU – Post #5

This post’s resource is from a website with skillsharing. You get a one month’s free trial and then it is $130/year or $37/month. So far it seems like a really great resource and if you were not a student whose bank account is not optimal at the moment, this site might be one that would be worth the price. Especially because it is for more than just learning ASL. The particular class that I chose to start learning from on…

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iMovie: Simple & Easy

iMovie: Simple & Easy

For this combined blog post, I decided to use iMovie. This is the post that stressed me out the most. I have a dinosaur of a laptop and wasn’t quite sure how I would go about this video tutorial. Then while looking through the suggested apps I saw iMovie, the app that is automatically added with one of our kazillion updates with iPhone, but I never really knew that I would need to use it until now! I am sure…

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Depeche Mode (sdrawkcab gnioG)

Depeche Mode (sdrawkcab gnioG)

As I have referenced maaaany times, I am kind of old. Not by all standards but by technologies for sure. Especially when we get down to questions like, “what did you learn about ‘x’ in school?” As far as internet safety we weren’t taught a lot, especially in elementary. When I was in elementary school we were just being introduced to dial-up and the safety there was make sure your family knew you were on the computer so they didn’t…

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Okay, first off, I was super scared to even try this. When Katia was showing us Hour of Code  and Scratch  in class, I was a little lost. Although, deep down I knew I wanted to leave class and try it… but was conflicted because new online things scare me… like adding a video to a blog post.. I swear I am following directions yet… I fail lol! I’m sure like many of you, failing is not my strong suit….

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ASL via YouTube

ASL via YouTube

This week I have been focusing on videos on YouTube by the creator “Learn How to Sign.” This creator suggests to turn off your voice when signing in ASL because when we speak at the same time, we tend to use English grammar and ASL is its own language with its own grammar. Another tip they had was never to break eye contact and compare breaking eye contact to trying to talk to someone who is one their phone the…

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“Feed the Machine”

“Feed the Machine”

I remember a time when household phones were connected to the wall. We got our information for school projects solely from library books, and our assignments were all hand-written. In the last class, we discussed the YouTube video where Michael talks about what it would be like for someone if they were from a different era whose time travelled to today. I feel like there would be a lot of culture shock, but they would be able to adapt to…

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ASL Bloom

ASL Bloom

This week I found an app called ASL Bloom. This app is designed similar to DuoLingo with some very large differences which is to be expected. Something I learned, which I had not even considered previous to this adventure, is that the grammar in ASL is different to that of spoken English. in English we say, “Hello, how are you doing?” in ASL they directly say, “Hello, how you?” Similar to English ASL uses accented speech to signify questions or…

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“Digital Love”

“Digital Love”

Something interesting I have learned recently is that the largest population of people on Facebook are between the ages of 25 and 35. That was shocking because it is the #1 app/website I use to keep in touch and procrastinate with, and I also use it for my side hustle, selling athletic wear. My next most used app is Snapchat, and after that, I would use TikTok. With my busy lifestyle, I do not often spend much leisurely time on…

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Teaching myself ASL

Teaching myself ASL

All of my choices for this project seem to be what other people have as their top choices as well. I am not often one to want to be original or different than the rest, but with this project I am finding it difficult to choose. I had planned on teaching myself to play children’s songs in a fun way, on the guitar. The guitar and I have a love-hate relationship. I do not love that I am not an…

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