Category: About Me

Blog 10: Curriculum as Numeracy

As a student, learning mathematics I did not find it overly discriminating. I took math right from early elementary all the way to high school. We were usually only taught math one way and now I have realized there are so many other ways to learn math. I have also realized not all cultures learn and practice the subjects the same way. Although I never really had difficulties with math, there was some students in my class who really struggled with not being able to learn it their own way. An example of this in relation to Leroy Little Bear’s “Jagged Worldviews Colliding,” Aboriginal peoples learn math through a different way than what is taught in school. They teach math through storytelling and dance by relating math to something important in their life. All my years of learning mathematics, I was never taught that all the other students may have been feeling oppressed.

The article “Teaching Mathematics and the Inuit Community” by Louise Poirier suggest various ways that Inuit mathematics challenges Eurocentric mathematics. Three that stuck out to me include:

  1. Learning math in their mother tongue
    • Inuit children go through the first three years of school learning math in their language. Poirier states that “Furthermore, Inuit mathematics is quite different. For example, theirs is a base-20 numeral system.” (pg. 54)
  2. Measuring techniques
    • The first tools used to measure were body parts (fingers, foot, etc.). Today, there are still Inuit people that use body parts as a form of measurement.
  3. Different teaching methods
    • Traditional Inuit teaching involves bringing in and elder and having students observe and listen. Questions are not often asked when using traditional teaching methods unless they know for sure that the students will have the answer.

Final Project Update


I am excited to do this final project, it sound like a great way to show each other what we learned or found interesting throughout the course. Although I haven’t had time to sit down and actually plan how I want to show my project. I have taken a look at the examples that are here for us to take a look at and I am starting to get an idea of what to put into the project.

One thing that makes me nervous about this project is that I’m not confident in pronunciation and that’s one part to this project. I’m hoping as the semester continues I can grow on how to pronounce the words properly.

I am excited to see ideas and thoughts on their final projects, I’m hoping seeing this also can give me some ideas for my own. Please if anyone has any ideas or recommendations on software please let me know!

Cree 100 1st Blog Post

#1 Blog Post

Hello everyone!

My name is Brooklyn Nordgulen and I grew up on a farm near the town of Southey only 30 minutes north of Regina.  I now live in Regina to attend school but go home almost every weekend! I’m 19 years old and will be turning 20 this year. I am currently in my first full year of Elementary Education as I switched faculties after my first semester last year.  A language course is required for my degree and I thought I’d benefit most from taking this class. I believe the language is very neat and is important to learn to understand it.

I absolutely love the outdoors, you can often catch my family and I at our cabin by Hudson Bay snowmobiling or quadding. I enjoy spending time with friends and with my fur babies! I have a cat named Bella who is only a year old as well as a dog named Bo who will be 3 in the spring.

I hope everyone has a great semester and I look forward to hearing from you all!

About Me

Hi, my name is Brooklyn Nordgulen, welcome to my blog! This is where you can come to get to know me, and hopefully I can get to know you as well. If you are passionate about education the future leaders of the world, then we certainly have something in common. Feel free to check out some of my posts where I share my thoughts and ideas about education, the things I’m learning, and my experiences learning to be a teacher. 

I have been a small-town girl my whole life, spending majority of my life in Southey, SK. I attended the school in Southey kindergarten through grade twelve. Sports and lifeguarding are two of my biggest passions- my spare time you can usually catch me playing any sport or of course in the swimming pool teaching children how to swim. I also love spending time with my family and catching up with all my long-distance friends. It is always my mission to try new thing, whether that be exploring things places I’ve never been, trying a new kind of food, or simply making connections with people I’ve never met. 

Growing up, I thought I would enjoy a career in something related to health and helping people. For a long time, I was very set on being an addiction counsellor, until I realized I was much more passionate about working with kids. In the summer of 2014 I worked at an outdoor pool teaching swimming lessons to children. I taught these kids how to swim, sung songs and played games all summer and realized how much I loved teaching. After that, I continued to put that interest to the test by teaching and leading children’s activities in my school and as a coach. It was obvious to me that I had a gift for teaching and a love for working with kids. Now I am pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. 

These days you can find me working away at my classes, at my job as a swimming instructor\lifeguard, or volunteering in my community. I am never too busy to say hello though, so check out my contact page and stay connected to my blog!

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