EDTC 300,  Learning Project

Tik Tok Pasta

This week’s learning project post was an idea given to me by my lovely girlfriend. Apparently, a type of pasta that has been labelled “Tik Tok Pasta” has been circulating Tik Tok and the rest of the internet lately.  She found this pasta on some social media platform and upon hearing about it, I decided to give it a shot. Lately, I have been wanting to try and eat less meat and this is the perfect recipe to do that.

For this recipe, you will need cherry tomatoes, peppers, onions, black olives, your favourite kind of pasta, salt and pepper, basil leaves, garlic, crushed red bell peppers, olive oil, and feta cheese (I also used cream cheese instead of using all feta cheese).

The first step is to place the cherry tomatoes, chopped onion, black olives, and chopped pepper along the bottom of a casserole dish. Next, you move some of the vegetables out of way and you place the block(s) of cheese along the bottom of the dish. You then season the vegetables and cheese with salt and pepper, basil leaves, garlic, crushed red bell peppers, and olive oil. Mix this all up (excluding the cheese) as best as you can. You then cook this dish in the oven for 30 minutes at 350° F. While doing that, you need to cook your favourite pasta until it is ready.

Once the pasta and vegetables/cheese dish is finished cooking, you drain the pasta and combine it with the vegetable and cheese dish. You mix it all up and then you broil it for just a few minutes. It is then complete and ready to serve! I served this with some garlic toast and a garden salad, but you can serve it alone or with whatever side you like.

Overall, I would rate this dish as not bad. I didn’t love it; I didn’t hate it. Everyone in my household liked it a lot more than I did. In the future, I would do fewer tomatoes, more peppers, more onion and garlic, maybe some mushrooms, and I would add some grilled chicken breast.

At the beginning of the semester I had mentioned that there would be no way I would become a Tik Tokker, but I think I am starting to come around to it. I have been hearing that there are a ton of good resources on Tik Tok to learn a variety of different skills, and this viral pasta trend kind of proves that. I can see myself using this app in the future to learn a new skill or to get better at existing skills.

As I am not on Tik Tok yet, here is the video I roughly followed along with to make this dish:

This week’s ratings:

Tammy: 9/10

Duane: 9/10

Danica: 9/10

Me: 5.5/10

Overall: 8.1/10

Thanks for reading! Any suggestions on what I should try and tackle next week?


  • Courtney Roppel

    Nice blog post Branden.
    I love see all the cool recipes people are making and this is one I have always liked ever since seeing it on TikTok. It’s seems so easy when I have watched the videos and I might have to try after seeing how well yours turned out. I think it would be an awesome dish served with chicken on the side or even cut up and mixed throughout it. I can’t wait to see what you make next!

    • bsa898

      Hey courtney,

      It is really easy to make; I would definitely recommend trying it! I would also highly recommend throwing some grilled chicken in with it and, depending on how much you like tomatoes, less of them. Thanks for the comment!


  • Melina

    Hey Branden, I’ve been seeing this TikTok pasta all over my feed and thought it looked soo good but had some doubts. However, I might have to give this a shot! I liked how you added different cheeses as well as vegetables to your sauce, I keep seeing the same ones over and over, its nice to see a spin on it. I am an avid TikTok user and love the app!! I think it is something you should definitely give a try as there are many resources on there and can learn a bunch of things! Keep up the good work!

  • Sydney Kawa

    Hi Braden!
    I just came across your blog post and I find it a little bit funny because as I type I am eating this exact same recipe, however, I did not cook it my mom actually did for me which I highly appreciate. It looks as though you added more feta than what I have in my bowl but in all honesty, yours looks much better, I am a sucker for cheese. I also agree with the fewer tomatoes portion of your post. I hope that you try to make it again with the changes you listed throughout your post as it will add more flavour and be more satisfying to you! Your household seems to be loving your weekly learning project so much, I like that you are sharing your final products with others as well! What is something that you have always wanted to cook but never have? I wish you the best of luck and cannot wait to read your post for next week!

    • bsa898

      Hey Sydney,

      Hmmm, that is a really difficult question to answer. There are so many foods I’ve seen out there that I would love to cook but have been too scared to try. My mom makes a killer lasagna but I’ve always felt that it looks too complicated and above my skill level. I think I should change that this semester because I love lasagna and it would be awesome to be able to make it as good as her. And yes, everyone in my household is really enjoying having these new meals every week!
      Thanks for the comment!


  • Ciera Romanow

    Hello Branden!
    I have also tried the ‘Tik Tok Pasta’ trend except my recipe was a little bit different then yours but let me tell you. Yours turned out a whole lot better then yours. I almost think I did not cook the tomatoes and feta long enough as when I went to mix it together, it was clumpy and a weird texture. Maybe next time I will try your recipe and then I can compare the two and see where I went wrong.
    Thank you for sharing!

    • bsa898

      Hey Ciera,

      That is too bad yours didn’t turn out! It is a good recipe, and it is fast and easy to make so I would definitely give it another shot. If you do try and use the recipe I used let me know if it goes any better!
      Thanks for the comment!


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