Last week’s class was very interesting to me as I watched names of apps pop up in our discussion that I have never used, some I had never heard of. Welcome to the life of someone who basically avoids technology and is likely many, many years older than the average student in this class! My kids razz me on the daily for not knowing things they figure I should know about the internet and technology world.
Besides checking my email and Facebook on my phone, in my personal life, there are very few apps I use daily or regularly. My kids are all busy with sports [GO EXTREME!] so TeamLinkt is a mainstay on my home screen. My kids’ school division uses Edsby and just this fall I finally broke down and downloaded the app. It’s really starting to seem like my kids are the reason I need access to technology most of the time!! At work (I work at a school), we use YouTube almost daily, but tech access is limited during the school day for my students. Every once in a while we throw in a Blooket to switch things up!
I float between TeamLinkt and Edsby to stay on top of managing and organizing my kids’ schedules. Personally, I’m a pen and paper calendar person. I generally have a note open on my phone to jot a quick piece of information down, but that all gets transferred onto a paper calendar where everyone in our family can take a look at the craziness that is our lives! I’m only a part time student while working nearly full-time and don’t feel the need to rely on tech to manage my life.
Even though Facebook is considered an old person app, it’s my go-to for time wasting. And it truly is a waste of time filled with ads and suggested pages and external websites. Rarely do I see anything posted by an actual friend. I’m an avid Pokémon Go player as I walk every day, so that might also count as a time-waster, although I feel less guilty about the time spent on that app since I’m getting some exercise in the process. My phone charges in a different room in my house so I’m not tempted to pick it up after I’ve gone to bed or if I wake up in the middle of the night. I should probably leave my phone in a different room at other times throughout the day so that I am more productive in general!
Is there anything I’m missing out on living my old lady lifestyle in this tech focused world??
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