Last week I entered the world of TikTok and highlighted creators and influencers regarding teacher AI tools. This week I thought I would step even further out of my comfort zone and try creating my own TikTok post about the tool that has been a lifesaver this week, Magic School AI and specifically the Unit Plan Generator which has been an invaluable tool as I prepare to enter my pre-internship teaching block next week.
Well lemme tell ya….this was a wee bit of an effort in frustration. I began trying to record a video using the online app Screen Capture which was super easy to use…until I tried to upload my video to TikTok. Enter frustration one. No matter how many times I tried and re-recorded and shortened my video, TikTok kept saying it was over the 10 minute time limit which it DEFINITELY was not.😠I gave up and decided to record on the app on my phone.
This was relatively easy to use and I loved playing around with the effects and music. It appeared I had done it and created my first ever TikTok post. Enter frustration number 2…I could see the video on my profile on my app but could not find it anywhere else and when I tried sharing the link it wouldn’t show up.😡After countless attempts, checking privacy settings etc., I finally discovered that I had not actually posted it. One click, a few seconds and VIOLA!! ❤️It is definitely not perfect and I have so much still to learn (like how to give it a title 🙈) but I didn’t give up!
Check out my first ever TikTok video and definitely check out Magic School AI.