Technology has led to a More Equitable Society

From antiquity to the present, technology has had a positive impact on human life by solving issues in everyday life and making many jobs easier to do. The second debate threw me for a loop. There are various sides and viewpoints to consider when considering the debate topic “technology has led to a more equitable society,” and there is no simple yes or no response. Since we all know, technology has made farming, building cities, and travelling simpler, among other things, effectively connecting all countries on the earth, contributing to globalization, and making it easier for economies to thrive and corporations to conduct business. Virtually every element of human existence may be made easier, more effective, and faster with technology solutions, resulting in fewer issues in one direction and more problems in the other.

Today’s society relies heavily on technology. It has both positive and negative consequences on the world, as well as on people’s daily lives. We live in a time when technological advancements are common. Examples include the internet and cell phones. However, there is a drawback to technical advancements.

Learning is one component of technology that has had a significant impact on society. Learning has become more interactive and collaborative, allowing people to better engage with the information they are learning and having difficulty with. It also improves our access to resources.

The internet allows us to access information at any time of day or night, and we can find practically anything online. Teachers can hold more productive online classes. It also pushes the classroom’s boundaries, encouraging self-paced learning. Learning can be accessed via YouTube and social media.  Assistive Technology provides many for our students to learn.  Tools such as Google Read and Write, and Microsoft’s Immersive Reader provide opportunities to try to “Level the playing field” for students.

Another way that technology has influenced society is through communication, or how we speak and interact with one another throughout the world. Many new forms of electronic communication have been introduced by technology. Emails, social networking, facetime with someone on the other side of the world, and video conferencing are all examples.

However, while technology has been utilized to promote learning and justice, it has also been used to reinforce inequality. Too many people are unable to use, benefit from, or influence digital platforms, particularly those who have historically been excluded or marginalized. Nearly all of the drivers of inequality are linked to governance and the use of technology, emphasizing the scope of the problem. The capacity to use computers and the internet to fully immerse oneself in the economic, political, and social elements of the globe has grown increasingly crucial. This technology, however, is not available to everyone.

It’s very difficult to function in this society today if you don’t have access to the internet.”


The digital divide has established a new distinction in society that has had a significant impact on people’s everyday activities and livelihoods around the world.

Access to the internet in its entirety is causing discrepancy and discrimination in various professions nowadays. Given the central significance of the internet in our daily lives, an analysis of ICT use among countries reveals tremendous differences that will hold water in other parts of life. The most major contributions to the digital divide are differences in income and literacy, but they only explain a portion of the ethnic and racial gaps in home and workplace technology access. Education, career prospects, communication, politics, consumer satisfaction, health information, community involvement, government, and emergency information are all affected by the digital divide.

Hence, after hearing all sides of the argument, I couldn’t agree more. Because we are flawed, so is our technology. I believe we are making progress as long as we accept our flaws and try to find solutions. Is technology promoting social equality? Yes, in certain situations, and no, in others. Technology is not going away, and it is becoming an increasingly important element of life that everyone should demand. It has enormous potential to improve equity in all aspects of life, but the most crucial part is ensuring that it is accessible, fair, and neutral to everyone.

6 thoughts on “Technology has led to a More Equitable Society

  1. Hi Fasiha! I enjoyed reading this post of yours very much. I appreciate the balanced perspective you have on the topic of technology and equity. In your last paragraph you write “Because we are flawed, so is our technology”. I think this is such a profound statement; it leads me to think about, then, what the solution might be to fixing flawed technology. This is obviously not a simple question and there is not a simple answer. But it is a helpful and important reminder that issues in society are ever-present, both on-and offline, and taking action to try to remedy them is crucial to build a more equitable society.

  2. I just wanted to say that your last paragraph – “Because we are flawed, so is our technology. I believe we are making progress as long as we accept our flaws and try to find solutions” -was beautifully written. I further agree that it must be accessible, fair, and neutral for everyone….but like Christina’s comment, I question what are the next steps to make this a reality for our next generations.
    Thank you for the awesome insights!

  3. The growth of technology has bought the dynamic changes in how we learn. Personalized learning, online courses and use of apps, tools has made us smarter these days. With just one click, we can easily access all the information. It build good relationships between peers and students and students can create a hostile environment.

    Technology is inevitable, it has actually changed our world and lives. I think that these days technology can survive without human but we cannot survive without technology.

  4. Like the other commenters, I too appreciated your last paragraph. It was very insightful. Yes, we are all flawed, and so is our technology, practices, policies, etc. But with that, I beg to ask the question, so what? Now what? If we are aware that we are all flawed and that things are not working how we assume or think they should be, then what? What changes can we be making to bridge those gaps? You have left lots to think about!

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