The Struggles of a Straight Line

Unfortunately, I could not explore a new source for learning makeup this week as it was jam-packed. Thus, I stuck with looking at Pinterest to find inspiration for different eyeliner looks.

On the 27th, I found a liner look I wanted to try, but could not do it properly. I also completely forgot to save the pin I was using for inspiration. However, I did create a video on using a pencil liner to create a guideline. 

After failing multiple at this look, I decided to find a different reference photo to follow. I came across a star eyeliner photo I wanted to try. Again, I used a pencil liner to outline what I needed to do, as I knew the stars would be difficult to make.

Close up of closed eye. Small black winged liner. star on the outer corner with two dots going into the eye. star on inner corner with two dots going into the eye.
Outline of liner look done with pencil liner.

This did provide an outline, however, the pencil liner was thicker than the liquid liner I used. I had to remove the pencil liner star and dots before adding the liquid liner, as the star was bigger than I wanted. I also found the sharp edges of the stars difficult to make as the tip of the liner I use has a thicker brush. I absolutely loved how this look came out and plan to use the reference again. 

Close up of closed eye. Small black winged liner. star on the outer corner with two dots going into the eye. star on inner corner with two dots going into the eye.
Eyeliner from May 27th
Close up of closed eye. Small black winged liner. star on the outer corner with two dots going into the eye. star on inner corner with two dots going into the eye.
Eyeliner from May 27th






The second look I did this week was a simple liner with no reference photo. This day was very busy, which resulted in minimal time to play with makeup. However, the wing of the liner went really well that day. 

Small black wing. Black liner hugging the lash line.
Simple liner from May 28th.

The third look I did was using a reference I liked from last week. This time around, the reference photo was easier to follow, but I still could not get the line at the end of the wing the way I wanted. It was more straight then I had wanted. I also made the wings this day thicker and longer than I had wanted. I did my best to clean it up with a Q-tip, but eventually gave up trying to make it better. 

Larger black wing. Small black line going into the crease of the eye from the top of the wing.
Eyeliner from May 29th

The next look I tried was inspired by this pin. This was my favourite look I created this week. The dots were difficult as my liner tip was to thick. However, I was able to space them the way I wanted. I also found the wing for this look hard as I always flick my wings up rather than slightly down or straight out the side. 

Small winged liner hugging the lash line. The dots near end of the wing and on inner corner.
Look I did on May 31st.
Small winged liner hugging the lash line. The dots near end of the wing and on inner corner. there are three dots under the eye.
Look I did on May 31st.






I tried this look again the next day for work. Usually, the second try at a look is easier. However, I could not make a thin line for the wing and the dots kept bleeding into one another. After about 5 attempts to fix the wing and the dots, I gave up and settled on doing a simple wing with no reference photo. Unfortunately, I was in a rush for work after these failed attempts and did not take a photo. 

The last two looks I did this week were all on the same day. The first look was inspired by this photo and was extremely difficult. The lines I was making were too thick to work for the look, I struggled to make the arrow at the end, and could not make the curved line on the inner corner at all. I became very frustrated at this attempt and forgot to take a photo before removing it. The other look I did involved two different designs without reference photos. This was a subtle pride look and was fairly easy to do as I have created hearts with eyeliner before. The one heart with a flag in it was created with a heart outline, then filled in with the three colours. For the other look, I made the hearts first and then made a black outline. 

Close-up of an eye. Small winged liner with a heart at the end. Heart is outlined in black with a flag inside. Colours from the top down: Pink, yellow, blue.
Subtle pride look I did on June 2nd. No reference used.
Close up of a closed eye. Small, black winged liner hugging the water line. Three black outlined hearts. One is pink, another is blue, and the last is yellow.
Subtle pride makeup I did on June 2nd. No resources used.







I found this week fun and frustrating. I struggled with many of the wings I tried to do and gave up more then I would have liked. Next week, I am going to use YouTube again to find some more subtle pride looks to do for the month of June. 

Some tips I learned this week:
  1. Sharpen pencil liner to make thinner outlines
  2. Squeeze liner brush between two fingers to make it smaller

Thanks for reading!

One thought on “The Struggles of a Straight Line

  1. Your eyeliner skills are improving each week! I love seeing your progression. The dots and hearts around your eyes add an extra oomph to your eyeliner. Keep up the great work!

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