Last but not Least… Macarons

As I mentioned in my last learning project post, this week I attempted to make macarons for the first time! I have to say, I knew making these was going to be tedious— but I didn’t realize HOW tedious.

I asked my cousin what she thought might be a good idea for my next blog posts, and she recommended macarons for me. She explained that she had a video for me to watch (one that she used the week before– it worked out well for her). I had very strict instructions: watch the video all the way through at least once before starting, and then follow the steps as you go. I’m glad that I listened and watched it first because chances are– if I didn’t, I would have gotten way too ahead of myself. Read More

More on the Super Silly Cyber Storm —

This last week, we had been talking about things like cyber-vigilantism, cyber-shaming, digital footprints, and the right to have elements of our digital footprint be forgotten— among others.

I would like to make note of the Ted Talk, The price of shame video featuring Monica Lewinsky. She made some very good points throughout the video. Lewinsky opened with a question, asking the audience if anyone in the room had made a mistake when they were young. That’s a pretty open ended question, hey? Everyone who’s been on this planet has made at least one ill-advised decision in their lifetime. Whether that be forgetting to take out the trash, saying something dumb to impress friends, or even dating the wrong person for you. Read More