Final Networked Learning Post

Contributing to the learning of others was a huge part of this class! I’ve contributed to the learning of my classmates in a few different ways— Discord, commenting, encouragement, feedback… you name it! Below I have attached a few screenshots of my contributions. (I may have missed a few, but I tried to find a pretty solid amount to show.)

As you can see from the screenshots below, some of my comments are longer than others. It was really easy to engage with my classmates and everyone’s work looked incredible! Some days I was very engaged, other days I felt as if I was leaving “generic comments”— positive, short, and sweet. But that’s not always a bad thing! Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of encouragement to brighten up someone’s day.

I also wanted to make note of the comments and feedback I was receiving on my own blog and assigned posts. Everyone’s words of encouragement and thoughts were really inspiring and insightful! Thank you all for creating a great work environment and community!

When it comes to our scheduled weekly Zoom meetings, I have also contributed to the learning of my peers when we were moved into Breakout rooms— discussing what the topic was at hand each time. At some point along the course, my laptop’s camera began to kick out during some Zoom meetings– so I recognize that there has also been some slight bumps in the road. But we made it! And this class was definitely a blast!

Thank you for following along! —and thank you Katia for teaching a great class this semester!

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