Introduction to my Learning Project

I had a little bit of trouble deciding what I would like to focus on for my learning project. I was trying to wrack my brain for any new useful skill that I would enjoy investing my time into, as well as something that I would continue to come back to as I move throughout my next stages of life. Ukulele? Can’t think of anyone close who owns one. Learn ASL? Seems like a popular topic.

Then, I thought to myself: what’s a skill Read More

Introductory Post!


My name is Jelisa Bjola. I am currently completing my second year in the Faculty of Education program. I was a huge Drama and Musical Theatre nerd in high school, which is why I chose to pursue a career in teaching! My goal is to become the real-life Miss Frizzle from The Magic School Bus. To paint a picture: I aspire to be attentive to my future students, encouraging them to think outside the box and use their creativity! Read More