My New Fav

If you haven’t noticed by now that I like to braid my hair, you will see again how much I do. I’ve been looking on everything I can think of for new hairstyles that I would actually be able to do and would actually wear. I have been thinking of ways to find new hairstyles and I have only been looking on social media. Social media is such a big part of my life that it is easy to find inspiration. I found this hairstyle when I wasn’t even looking for it. I found this hairstyle on Pinterest. Let’s talk about Pinterest, there are so many ways to use Pinterest. There are so many ideas and how to’s that go into great detail. Pinterest uses eye-catching pictures and posts to grab the attention of those scrolling. Although not all recipes and instructions on Pinterest work out or are reliable. There are a lot that are as easy as they claim to be. I go to Pinterest for mostly recipes and tattoo ideas, but this time this awesome hairstyle caught my attention. 


My New Fav Hairstyle

This hair style has to be the easiest one I’ve done so far. This has to be one that I will work onto my go to hairstyles. To start the hairstyle I started by creating the start of a normal low braid at the base of my head. After this I broke the three pieces of the normal into two halves. I then put one of the halves into a scrunchie so I would not mix the halves up. After I put one of the two halves into a scrunchie I broke the half into three pieces so I could begin braiding the half. After I was done braiding the first half I put a ponytail elastic on the end and began on the second half. When I started braiding the first half I was worried that the braids would not stay tight. That was not the case. Both braids were tight at the top and turned out perfectly.

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