Blog #10

Some of the ways we as future teachers can address homophobic, transphobic, biphobic and oppressive towards queer and trans people in the school systems is by opening are minds and hearts up to the struggles 2SLGBTQIA+ children face and realize we can help be a safe space.There are a handful of small things you as a teacher can do, hanging the pride flag, having pride stickers, posters, just having your pronouns visible to students. There are bigger ways to start or help educate students about 2SLGBTQIA+ people. An easy way is actively discussing 2SLGBTQIA+ members in simple conversations, like when discussing family dynamics.  Shutting down the negative or harmful talk or bullying is a very important. Actively using texts, books, movies and content that have 2SLGBTQIA+ people and perspectives. Most importantly is to create a safe place, 2SLGBTQIA+ members are humans who do not deserve any less respect, kindness, and humans rights than any non-member.


One thought on “Blog #10

  1. Hey Jesa, I completely agree that it can be easy to have equality in the classroom as long as we as educators open up and educate ourselves about the 2SLBGBTQIA+ community. We have to be sure we are accepting before we can teach children about it. The first step to equality in the classroom starts with us teachers. By the sounds of your blog post you will instill equality into your future classroom.

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