Can Youtube help with learning guitar?
After having some time to try and remember what I had previously learned, I feel that I have been decently successful. I relearned my simple scale and have been working on relearning the basic chords. I feel that this is a pretty good starting point because the scales help with finger movement on the fretboard, and learning the chords is just something I should know if I want to succeed in playing the guitar.
Of course, because I am impatient, I jumped right into trying to learn a song. The song I chose was “Blackbird” by The Beatles. This song is beautiful, and although it sounded hard to play, I felt that I could easily tackle the challenge. I decided to go to YouTube because it is a well-known place to learn how to play guitar. There are so many people online willing to share their knowledge and expertise that it makes it pretty easy to learn anything you want.
I will admit that due to the ease of access, YouTube is #1 on my list of technologies to use when it comes to learning the guitar. However, what I found was that the majority of the people online go much too quickly for you to really learn anything. I feel that all the people trying to teach a song online expect you to be very good at playing the guitar already, or they expect you to know how to play every chord rather than giving you a basic walkthrough. Overall, between my first post and this one, I found that I have improved not a whole lot, but there is a difference. I would also like to rate YouTube a 6.5/10 as a resource for teaching me how to play guitar; it is so easy to just look something up and find hundreds of different videos of people showing you how to do it. The only real drawback I found was that the majority of the people expect you to already be a pro. I have yet to find someone who shows you how to play at a very basic level where they walk you through step by step. Would I use YouTube again? Yes, but I would wait until I am better to re access it.