Technology in day to day life

Technology in day to day life

Technology is a major part of my day-to-day life. I don’t think there has been a single day in the last six years that I haven’t used technology in one way or another. As a university student, I spend roughly 4-6 hours a day on my computer. Whether I’m in class, working on homework, or doing research, my computer is my best friend. Apart from the time I spend on my laptop, I probably spend at least three hours a day on my phone. I often use this time to stay in touch with friends or just relax and watch endless mind-numbing videos on TikTok. My main staples are Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, which I use to find a place to live in Swift Current for my internship. These apps are not used for any real purpose other than just scrolling.

When looking into my other daily uses for technology, I often find myself using the calendar app, notes app, or an online planner to help myself stay on track. These apps are very important to me because they help me plan out my days ahead of time, which takes a lot of pressure off my shoulders, especially during a spring semester with three classes. Although my phone has these amazing apps to keep me organized, there is always the underlying factor that in just 2-3 swipes, I can access any social media to distract me. Like I mentioned earlier, I have many apps on my phone that I use exclusively for mindlessly scrolling. This is the main downside of having my phone with me at all times.

Despite the potential for distraction, I’ve found ways to balance my time on these apps and use my phone to keep me on track. Over time, I’ve gotten better at managing my screen time and making sure that my productivity apps are my primary focus. This balance is crucial, especially during busy periods when staying organized is essential. I’ve learned to set boundaries for my social media usage, such as allocating specific times for checking updates and sticking to them. This way, I can enjoy the benefits of technology without letting it take over my day.

Technology plays an important role in my daily life, both as a student and in my personal time. While it’s easy to get caught up in the endless scroll of social media, I’ve learned the importance of balance and intentional use. By using productivity apps and setting boundaries, I can stay organized and focused while still enjoying the connectivity and entertainment that technology offers. As I continue to navigate my academic and personal responsibilities, finding this balance will remain a key aspect of my daily routine.

One thought on “Technology in day to day life

  1. Impressive Routine! It’s clear that technology is deeply integrated into your daily life, from academic pursuits to personal relaxation. Your ability to manage both your studies and personal time reflects strong discipline. Something that I personally greatly admire.

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