Reusing Materials and Ideas

Reusing Materials and Ideas

I decided to make a heart shape using dead grass I found in the pasture. Originally, I wanted to braid it into a heart shape, but that did not work very well. My grandma came up with the idea to tie it together with some twine instead and it worked really well!

Since my grandma helped me make this, I thought a lot about how much crafting I would do with her as a young child. My grandma is an artist and for that reason she loved to craft with me when I was young.

After completing this activity, it gave me an idea on how to implement this in a classroom. I think that doing this in an elementary classroom setting would be both exciting and fun for students. I also think that it is a great way to have students create a connection with an environment. In Jennifer D. Adams and Brett Branco’s article from week one’s reading they discuss how educators can assist their students in creating connections to an environment. I believe that re-adapting this activity for a younger classroom would be a great way to practically apply what I have learned from their article.

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