EDTC 300 Blog,  Learning To Wrap Presents Blog

Bow, but make it Red

This week I decided to try making some bows again, I wanted to retry the flower bow as I wasn’t 100 percent happy with-it last week! I also was daring and decided to try and recreate it from memory, because it isn’t that hard of a bow to do! I was mostly successful! Though I still have the issue of the ends being cut to far in, I hardly cut them on either side, but it still flares out in a way I do not like. It wouldn’t splay properly without these cuts, so I am curious how other creators avoid this, because it frays the fabric and makes me mad ha-ha.

Next, I tried a TRIPLE BOW! Oooo I was so excited to try this bow. Start the video at 1:23 if you want to try. The double loop bow from last week was so easy and fun I thought surely this would be just as easy! Well, it was not. Let me tell ya, I tried for two hours to get this bow made. My brain and my fingers were not on the same team. I was so frustrated, I got hand cramps, forgot how to tie a knot!? Like, no. I was not ok. I thought I had it figured out a couple of times, but I did not. Exhibit A below.

I had to leave this bow challenge for a little bit and take a break. I went to get my kids from school and then decided I’d give it another whirl. My head was like ok, we can do this! My hand protested though and it was definitely starting to cramp. I remembered how to tie, kind of haha, and BOOM! I was so excited that I finally figured it out!! Exhibit B below

Little did I know though, that I did not in fact, figure it out. I somehow, created one side with 4 loops and one side with 3 loops!? I guess I will call this a half win. I think I will try this again later, and maybe I’ll be 100 percent successful!


  • Miranda Hammett

    Hey Kacey! Even though it may not have turned out it still looks SO CUTE! I loved the pure excitement on your face in one of your photos! I totally understand how frustrating it can be when something you feel like you should know or can do just doesn’t work, so good on you for taking a step back, taking a break and trying again! I look forward to seeing what you make next!

  • McKenzie Keibel

    Hey Kacey! Sometimes things that look simple turn out to be way harder than expected. But honestly, the half-win you ended up with is still super cute! I’m sure your next attempt will be perfect!

  • Kenzie Behrns

    Hey Kacey,
    I love how you mentioned that you go hand cramps, that is so real of you to say. Your bow honestly looks so good that even though it wasn’t what you were going for. You also mentioned that you took a break which I believe is a very important thing to do when you are struggling with something. It is important to reset and then go back to whatever you were working on. This almost worked out in your case haha but next time I bet you will make the bow perfectly!

  • Alyssa Mozel

    Despite the 4 loops oops, I think the bow looks great! I can’t imagine the steps that it takes to create something like that. It’s definitely too complex for my brain to puzzle out. Good luck next week!

  • Angela Fahlman

    Hi Kacey! I love your bows, super cute. I get being left completely frustrated and with a hand cramp, I feel the same way when I practice braiding. Your bows are going to make your presents look so pretty this Christmas!

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