We Got Berries!

May 26, 2024 4 By Karlee Michael

Raspberry fruit with leafI got a call this week from my grandma letting me know that she had raspberry seedlings and did I want them? Of course I wanted them but I knew nothing about growing raspberries and my backyard was not ready for it. We quickly got a patch of dirt ready this week to plant these raspberries. Shoveling the dirt to make it soft, adding extra dirt and mixing it all together so it gets all the nutrients. Before I went to get these seedlings I checked out the Almanac which told me all about raspberries and what I needed to do. This website helped me by giving me the basic instructions of how to plant raspberries and from a seedling. I felt more confident coming home with these seedlings and felt that I had a better chance of keeping them alive. 

We went out to grandma’s house to get these seedlings and had to dig them out of the very wet mud and it took alot of digging and patience to get them out and safely get enough roots that we could replant them.  My grandma got me a box and I lined the bottom of the box with mud to place the seedlings in it until we got home and could replant. When getting the seedlings out of the ground we sadly had a few that the roots got ripped too much while pulling them out of the soil. We took 17 seedlings home with us in a box. 

When we got home it was late so we watered them in the box and kept them in our garage overnight. The next day I checked out the Almanac again and learned how far to space them out, when to water them and how much sunlight they should be getting. We planted the raspberries behind our garage where it gets sunlight for half of the day which looked to be ok. We had one seedling that when I pulled it out of the box it snapped so we lost that one. We had another one that had very long and strong roots, I did plant it but probably not deep enough and that is one that doesn’t look like it is doing too well. 


About 2 days later I went to check on my raspberries and many of them had drooped and didn’t look good. I did some google searching and was taken to this Reddit conversation which helped me to know what to do and that others also had this same issue. I gave it more water and straightened my plants. After doing this the next morning all but 3 of the plants were looking in better shape. Through the summer I will keep watering them and taking care of them and hopefully by next summer will have some delicious berries to enjoy.