Grade 1- Physical Education – Kicking & Locomotor Movement

Subject/Grade: Phys Ed. / Grade 1 & K  Lesson Title: Kicking & Locomotor Movement  Teacher: Karlee Michael
Stage 1: Identify Desired Results
Established Goals: (Learning outcome/s & indicator/s from curriculum)

PE 1.3 – Locomotor Skills Explore, express, and apply, with guidance, a variety of ways to skillfully move the body through space, including at a: control level of skill when: walking running jumping forward and landing jumping sideways and landing progressing-towards-control level of skill when: jumping backward and landing hopping (body moves on one foot as in right foot to right foot) skipping (combines a step and a hop) leaping (body ‘takes off’ from one foot, propels through air for distance, then lands on the opposite foot) sliding (one foot steps and the other moves to meet the first foot, “step-close”) galloping (one foot steps, body propels upward, other foot moves to meet the first foot) rolling forward (see note) rolling sideways.

PE 1.5 – Explore, express, and apply, with guidance, a variety of ways to skillfully move objects, including at a progressing-towards-control level when:

  • throwing (rolling)
  • catching (collecting, gathering)
  • kicking.
Understandings: (can also be written as ‘I Can’ statements)

I can… 

  • demonstrate different locomotor skills (skip, hop, gallop, run, walk, walk backwards) in a controlled manner.
  • I can learn how to properly kick a ball using cues and without causing harm.
Students will know…

  • How to follow instructions during “Firing Squad” to kick and retrieve the ball safely.
Students will be able to…

  • demonstrate understanding of key concepts related to kicking a ball.
Stage 2: Determine Evidence for Assessing Learning
Observe students’ participation and engagement during the activities. Take note of their ability to follow instructions & kick. 
Stage 3: Build Learning Plan
Set (Engagement):                                      Time: 5 mins

Development:                                              Time: 15 mins

Explain and demonstrate how to kick a ball using cues and without causing harm.

  • Stand behind the ball.
  • Place the non-kicking foot beside the ball for stability.
  • Kick the ball with the appropriate force (tap or power) as instructed.

 Distribute balls to each student and have them line up on the middle line, facing opposite directions (K’s facing one way, 1’s facing the other).

Set up pop-up nets or pylons on each side for students to aim at.

Conduct “Firing Squad” activity: Instruct students to kick and aim at the pylons or nets one by one.

After all students have kicked, instruct them to retrieve their balls to avoid collisions.

If time allows, work on variations:

Practice kicking with different power levels (powerful and low power).

Incorporate foot dribbling before kicking and move the nets or pylons back for a challenge.

Closure:                                                        Time: 2-3 mins

Have each student bring their ball to the designated area while counting down from 10.

Gather students and review the key concepts and skills covered in the lesson, such as proper kicking technique, ball control, and safety during physical activities.

Provide positive feedback and encouragement to students based on their participation and progress during the lesson.


-soccer balls for each student 

-pop up nets/ pylons

Possible Adaptations/


– Provide visual cues or demonstrations for students with visual impairments.

-Use tactile cues or physical guidance for students with physical disabilities to help them understand kicking techniques.

-Allow students with mobility impairments to perform seated kicks or use assistive devices as needed.

-Offer varying levels of challenge during the warm-up by adjusting the speed or complexity of locomotor skills based on students’ abilities.

-Provide different sizes or types of balls during the kicking practice to accommodate students’ preferences or physical capabilities.

-Assign peer buddies to assist students who may need extra support or guidance during the activities.

-Use visual aids, gestures, and simplified language to facilitate understanding for English language learners.

-Adjust the layout or organization of equipment to minimize distractions and create a safe environment for all students.

Management Strategies:

-Use positive reinforcement, praise, and constructive feedback to motivate students and reinforce desired behaviors.

-Quickly and calmly redirect off-task behavior by using non-verbal cues or verbal reminders

Stage 4: Reflection
 Professional Development Goal is…