Summary of My Learning Experience


Throughout my Ed-tech journey I have received and given support to my fellow classmates and teachers. I spent my time interreacting with Twitter, making blog posts and commenting on others blog posts. Through this experience I was able to gain new skills and perspectives to use in the future classroom.


Overall I feel as if Twitter will be the most beneficial for me in the long run. Before this class I did not have a Twitter but since signing up for the app I have contributed to SaskEDchats as well as shared resources I find helpful with my fellow classmates. I appreciate all the new class tools and resources I learned from my classmates and I am excited to continue using twitter throughout my career.


Through my blogs I was able to explore topics surrounding educational technology. I was also able to organize and share my thoughts with others. By reading and commenting on others blogs I was able to gain new perspectives. One thing I enjoyed about class was the #LearningProject blogs. I really tried to dive right into the project and I loved how it was an excuse to get out and get active. I also enjoyed being able to learn new skills through reading and commenting on other peoples learning project blogs. Overall I like the informal conversational feel of a blog ad I believe it could be effectively integrated into the classroom

Throughout this semester I have learned a lot about educational technology, how to utilize it and how to teach it. Please take the time to watch my Summary of Personal Learning video to find out my major takeaways from the course!

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