How Can this Semester be Over???

How Can this Semester be Over???

Well what a whirl wind of learning this semester.  I started off not knowing a whole lot about online learning and did not end the course being an expert but I sure do feel a lot more confident.

Wherever you are on your journey in this masters program best of luck and thanks for being great colleagues.

Bev and I completed our Learning Summary together.

Watch Our Learning Summary Here

2 thoughts on “How Can this Semester be Over???

  1. Hi Lindsey,
    Thank you for sharing your journey. I am happy to hear I wasn’t the only one with very little prior knowledge when it came to many of the tools and platforms we discouvered this semester. It’s great to see another creative way to share a summary of learning. Well done!

  2. Hi Lindsey,
    I appreciated your thoughts around our learnings in this class. Your reflection around small groups and people being more open really resonated with me and thinking about how students need to feel comfortable to share in our classrooms as well. Well done!

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