A LOUD Wedding

This week on my Stop Motion journey, I fooled around a bit with sound effects on the Stop Motion Studio app. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. The app makes it very easy to be able to insert different sounds that over lap each other and it also makes it simple to cut down the sounds to better fit your motion picture.

By access the sound section of where you can add things to your movie, I was able to scroll through and find some music that I could play in the background of my video. There are quite a few options but I think there could be more added in the future. My video is a wedding themed video for this one and I hoping there would be something labelled “wedding music” or something similar to that but unfortunately I could not find such things so I settled for some low key happier toned music that was available on the app.

The app also gives you the chance to record your own sounds. In my movie, I capture the bride and the groom kissing. Unfortunately, the app does not provide a sound effect for a kiss for I had to record the kissing sound on my own and insert it into the movie.

At the end of my video, I found a clip for a crowd cheering so I could emphasize the end of the of the wedding. In the screenshot that I took you can also see some of the other options for sounds.


Finally! Here is my latest creation using Stop Motion “Happily Married

Enjoy! I appreciate the comments and feedback!

2 thoughts on “A LOUD Wedding

  1. Hey Marcus,

    I really enjoyed watching your video, I find it so cool that you can do stop motion! I feel like I would not have the patience’s to do stop motion. I also really liked the music you add to the video, it brings the video to life more. Can’t wait to see more!

  2. I love stop motion, it is cool to see you using it with common household objects like Lego. This was super fun to watch. Looking forward to seeing more:)

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