My course will employ a blended learning model. Students will be expected to attend synchronous face-to-face classes but use online learning materials to facilitate and promote learning. During face-to-face sessions, students will primarily engage in lectures designed to deepen their…
Author: Mariah Mazur
Course Profile
Welcome to my course profile! Here, you’ll find all the details about the course, along with my ADDIE template outlining its design and structure. Satire, Hero’s Journey, and Character Archetypes in Children’s Literature in English Language Arts 20 ADDIE Template…
Navigating the Digital Classroom
As a student and an educator, I have always been drawn to online and blended learning models. These approaches offer students and educators flexibility and accessibility, as well as opportunities for meaningful technology integration and the development of 21st-century skills.…
Summary of Learning
Welcome to my summary of learning! This class really opened my eyes to the complex world of tech in education. We tackled everything from how social media might be affecting childhood to the real pros and cons of AI, and even…
Has technology made society more equitable?
Has technology made society more equitable? I don’t think so. This is one debate where I knew it would take a lot to sway my vote. Are there aspects of technology that help create a more equitable society? Absolutely. But…
Cell Phones in the Classroom – Good or Bad?
Should cell phones be banned in the classroom? No, they shouldn’t. During this week’s debate, several concerns were raised regarding student cell phone use in the classroom including: Cell phones distract students from learning and reduce productivity. According to KSL…
Is AI the Future?
I will come right out and say it – I LOVE AI. I have strongly advocated for AI in education since the first day Chat GTP was introduced to the world. So… this made this week’s debate REALLY hard for…
Is social media ruining childhood?
Is social media ruining childhood? I don’t think I have a definitive stance. But if you held a gun to my head and said I had to choose I think I would say it isn’t ruining childhood. As I reflected…
Does technology enhance learning? YES!
Does technology enhance learning? Yes, it does! I have to admit that I am a bit biased regarding this topic as I am a Connected Educator, so it would be a bit hypocritical of me to disagree. I have seen…
A Day with Technology
Technology plays a significant role in every aspect of my daily life. I rely on technology from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. My day begins with my phone. For most of us, our phones are…