Virtual, Augmented and Mixed realities in Education

Virtual, Augmented and Mixed realities in Education

The educational process has evolved significantly over the last decade, providing students of all ages with enhanced and interactive experiences through various technology. One example is the incorporation of AR and VR technology into the classroom to immerse students in the material they are studying and bring it to life, thereby broadening their imagination and promoting a better learning experience which was initially introduced as a means of entertainment. All students, from preschool to post-secondary, benefit from the use of virtual and augmented reality in education. VR creates an immersive virtual environment that is 75% virtual, while AR augments a real-world scene that is 25% virtual. Both require a headset device and students can move in a virtual environment. and students can move in a fictional world thought AR is more closer to the reality that’s when the mixed reality comes in handy which is a perfect cross between AR and VR. This is most likely a newer term, but this technology is expected to become mainstream in education and business in the near future. It is based on allowing instinctive data interaction while eliminating screen-based work.

Student uses augmented reality platforms and vr education apps to learn coding.


let’s look at some of the benefits of incorporating Mixed realities into classrooms-

  • Enhances the learning process
  • Increase accuracy and efficiency
  • Experience and knowledge can be shared over long distances.
  • Use of different AR and VR Platforms Improve Coding teaching experience.
  • Helps to over come the outdates teaching methods
  • provide students with more freedom and independence to explore a topic

Every technological invention has its own set of challenges; these are some of the difficulties that educators may face when incorporating these realities into the classroom.

  • AR implementation costs are relatively
  • Many devices offer only mediocre performance.
  •  lack of user privacy
  • If security is not prioritised, the introduction of augmented reality may result in a security breach.

To summarise, I believe it is a great tool to include in modern teaching for improved learning; however, I strongly believe it is not a substitute for reality; maintaining a nice balance is important. I liked the point that we discussed in our class presentation that it can be really useful for field trips, especially to places that are difficult to reach for monetary and security reasons, such as the NASA space centre, the Museum of London, world’s historical sites, and so on.

Thank you!

One thought on “Virtual, Augmented and Mixed realities in Education

  1. I appreciate your thoughts Meenu, A VR-based classroom is an excellent solution both for teachers and students. The schedule is flexible, and students can choose the time and place according to their preferences. Teachers and students from all around the world can collaborate in a virtual reality environment.

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