Who Am I Anyways?

Hi there! I’m sure as you come across my blog, you are hoping for a bit more information about me. To start off, my name is Johnna Hertlein and I’m currently three (and a half!) years into the completion of my Secondary Education degree from the University of Regina. My major is Biology and my minor is Chemistry, and I’m sure you will find out that I absolutely adore the world of science! I’m also super passionate about inclusive education which is why I’m working towards completing my Inclusive Education certificate (also through the University of Regina)!
Before we talk about technology, I want you to get to know me a bit better! I have recently moved into a house in Regina, but I grew up in the small town Langenburg Saskatchewan. Back at home I have my three amazing younger sisters who definitely give me inspiration to become a better teacher (they complain A LOT about school)! In Regina I live with my partner and our zoo of animals. I have two cats with quite a lot of personality along with my 140 pound dog (he’s genuinely humongous). We recently just added a puppy to our little family! Needless to say, my house is #busy all of the time!
One of my crazy cats – Anahee My sassy cat – Aubrey My big guy – Bentley Our new puppy – Honey
As for my experience with technology, I’d like to think I’m pretty adept with it, but I’m always looking to improve my technological presence and abilities! I recently created a twitter account that I would love for you to check out here. You’ll probably notice that I haven’t made any posts yet, but there are definitely some interesting posts to come (feel free to follow me!). Blogging is something that I have absolutely ZERO experience doing, but I am so excited to start! Throughout this blogging experience you’ll hear all about what I’m learning in my EDTC 300 course along with my learning project (stay tuned for a post about that!). I’ve been researching some popular education blogs like TeachThought, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to measure up, but I’m excited to grow my online presence.
A big thank-you for making it through my very first blog post, and I hope you’re looking forward to my upcoming posts!

Hello Johnna, it is not very often that I meet someone who is passionate about science, but I applaud you. Teaching in general can be hard let alone teaching a biology or chemistry! Your new pup is pretty cute! I’m looking forward to reading your blogs and checking out your learning activities!!